Go to MBDealer site > Product Database

For fields choose – MBNumber, Title, Best Seller, UPC, ISNB13, MediaType, Price, ByLine, DifOverall, PubDate, Description.

Get Data

Right click and save generated Txt file to hard drive.

Open in Excel – Text Import Wizard > Delimited> Tab>

Change the following columns to Text instead of General

  • ProductID
  • UPC
  • ISBN13

**Important leave Description as General

Insert two columns after Product ID

In the first column enter *space BW.tif and then drag the value to the end of the column

In the next column use a Concatenate function to combine ProductID + BW.tif

If this doesn’t work as expected check that the format for the Concatenating column is General

Drag the value to the end of the column to create the image name

Save as a CSV format file