I’m starting this blog to document my IT experiences of deploying WordPress & Joomla on LAMP after spending years working in the Microsoft world.

I’m currently having an issue with getting Joomla components installed. This I believe is caused by having the site manged with a Plesk server interface. I’m using Plesk version 9.

I’ve been working with our host Sectorlink, who have helpfully suggested that I Google the problem. Of course I’ve been doing this for sometime. Not helpful.

One thing about Plesk that makes troubleshooting this issue difficult is that there are two php.ini files.

I found on


the way to determine which of these files the site is using.

php -i phpinfo | grep 'Configuration File'

The answer returned was…

[root@host /]# php -i phpinfo | grep ‘Configuration File’
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php.ini