Compare two SQL Tables

I was updating one table with data from another. However, when I did this there was a discrepancy between the number of rows I had in the update table and the number of rows updated.

Here the SQL that allowed me to compare and return the rows that were in the source but not the destination.

select * from TableA where not exists
(select * from TableB where TableA.ProductID =TableB.ProductID)


Change domain registrar from Network Solutions to GoDaddy

I’m doing this more frequently as Network Solution wants $34.99 to renew domains. I have six domains so to renew would be 209.94. With GoDaddy the cost for renewing 6 domains is 46.02.

First if you have DNS settings for the domains with Network Solution get the information so that this can be transferred over to GoDaddy DNS later.

I called GoDaddy to begin this transfer. Quick and painless. I got an email with instructions.


Next login to Network Solutions. Manage Domains > Select Domain to move >





Scroll down the page and locate Details for > Domain Protect and choose Turn Off and Request Authorization Code.


This will generate an email account to the whois contact for the domain.

Login to GoDaddy > My Account > My Products > Domain Manager

From the Domain Manager Menu > Pending Transfers


Enter codes sent in email.


Network Solution will send an email after requesting an authorization code.


Enter this in GoDaddy



Restarting a Computer via Terminal Session

I can never remember the key combo to do a shut down or restart of a remote computer in Terminal Session. So I’m posting this on my online memory board here.

Ctrl + Alt + End.

Please note unless you have quick access to the computer in question be sure to select Restart instead of Shut Down.

Trouble removing trailing space in Excel 2010

I could not remove the trailing space in an Excel 2010 column with the Trim() function. Doing a little research led me to believe this might possibly be caused by the space being something other than the ASCII code for space. (Decimal 32).

The function I used to find this.

It returned a code of 160. This is ASCII for the HTML non-breaking space ( )

To fix this I found some information posted on a help board. By opening the Find & Replace dialog in Excel you hold down the Alt key while typing 0160 in the Find what: input.

For whatever reason, either bad typing or belligerent application it took me a couple of time both times I needed to do this.

BTW – the reason this occurred was I copied a report generated from a web application and got returned as HTML. While I didn’t copy the source Excel made the determination that it should include the HTML code.